Selasa, 10 April 2018

tongue cancer prognosis

Tumor of the tongue - Prognosis

squamous cell carcinoma tongue

tongue cancer surgery

The tumor of the tongue is a malignant tumor that affects the tongue. The success of the treatment and the prognosis of the language tumor depend strongly on the timely detection of the disease. The prognosis of language tumors and survival rates are based on a number of factors.

Factors determining the prognosis of the tumor of the tongue
 Size is a determining factor for the prognosis of language tumors
The size and extent of the tumor determines the prognosis and survival rate of language cancer patients. Small outgrowths are easy to remove and manage, and result in high survival rates compared to large tumors. Statistical reports state that 56% of patients diagnosed with tongue cancer survive for at least 5 years after detection. Furthermore, 41% show a 10-year survival rate.

Metastasis means the spread and extension of the tumor, from the tongue to the surrounding structures. The tongue tumor spreads rapidly to adjacent structures, such as the mouth, throat, neck, jaws and lymph nodes. It also travels through the bloodstream and reaches other organs. Patients who demonstrate excessive metastasis have a worse prognosis than those in whom cancer is limited to only one sector.
 Risk factors affecting the prognosis of tongue cancer
The survival rate decreases considerably in those individuals who carry on their risky behavior. The risk factors for language cancer are: smoking, chewing tobacco, alcohol consumption, exposure to UV light, and HPV infection. Those who do not put an end to causative agents die within 5 years, or have a greater risk of relapse within five years, once the cancer has been removed.
 general health and the support system determine the prognosis of tongue cancer
A good support system greatly improves the survival rate of a cancer patient. The understanding of the family and the solidarity of friends are of utmost importance. This helps relieve stress and anxiety, and significantly improves prognosis in cancer patients. Furthermore, support groups for cancer patients interacting with each other are known to be highly beneficial. Patients who do not have a supportive family can have high mortality rates.
 Healthy habits
Adopting a healthy, healthy lifestyle increases the survival rate and prevents recurrence. Getting out of unhealthy habits, avoiding alcohol and tobacco, following a healthy diet rich in powerful antioxidants supports the treatment plan, helps fight the disease and increases the survival rate significantly. The consumption of organic food, loaded with fresh fruit and vegetables, movement, having adequate rest and managing stress effectively improves the prognosis.

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